SPORT Architecture bureau

Phone: +372 55601425


Wood architecture project consulting

Wood architecture once dominated, now the time has come for it to become mainstream again, with 21st century innovations in wood technology.  

Need the latest technology and regulations know-how in your project?

Benefits of working with us

Save time

We help you save time by organising communication between all important parts of your project in a constructive and time saving manner. We create a schedule and take care that this schedule is met by all parties, delivering fast and quality service.

Safety and Regulations

We have the knowledge, know the resources and have the contacts in order to assure that your project is done according to all rules whether it is acoustical aspects of the building or of fire regulations.

Finding the best solution for your budget

We help you to go through all major wooden building technologies, analysing pros and cons and helping to pick the best for you, taking into consideration schedule, fast delivery and your budget.

On the road to building in wood, there are 5 main steps we focus on

We will sit together and interview you, to better understand what you would like to build and achieve.

We help you to go through and analyze different technologies to get best fit for your needs, as a result you will have the best balance between quality, price and time.

In order to help you find the best construction partners we will introduce you to prefab home manufacturers and general contractors.

When we find the best fit technology option, we will create a full road map of the project that will take in to account all the steps and time frames of their realization with deadlines.

The budgeting process is divided in to several steps:
1. Budgeting after sketch
2. Budgeting after building permit
3. Final budget after the main project is finalized

On each step you are in control and we work together.

Having went through all the parts and creating the final project we will introduce you to electrical, water and canalisation, HVAC (Heating, ventilation, air conditioner) and structural engineers who will take care of those parts.

Your house deserves a good foundation